Methodology for Developing an IoT-based Parking Space Counter System using Nano (XNO)
An academic research team from India published a paper sharing a Methodology for Developing an IoT-based Parking Space Counter System using Nano (XNO). Here they give us an overview of this methodology with full paper linked at the end of the article.
Nano (XNO) has brought in technological advancements that made blockchain based solutions affordable and simple to the fact that they can be used in applications such as parking space counters.
This work portrays use of Nano in an alternative way to keep track of available parking spaces via IoT nodes installed at entry and exit points of parking lots.
The available parking space data (i.e. the Nano balance of the wallet linked to the entry point IoT device) can be posted on display boards while a car approaches the parking lot. The available parking spaces can also be accessed via the internet by posting the data on a website or via a mobile app.
An enhancement for this work is the issue of entry tickets with timestamp and unique ID by using the block data during asset transfer which can be used for collection of parking fees by the help of IoT nodes at the exit points of the parking lots.
There are many blockchain technologies that support smart contracts through which parking space systems can be managed. Based on the approach used in this work only fee-less blockchain technologies can be used. Various fee-less blockchain technologies were compared and Nano proved to be a viable solution for the implementation of the proposed methodology.
This work was only possible because Nano was economical, fee-less & instant.
Read full paper:
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