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Jun 06 2024

[BLOG] How to Accept Payments in Nano as a Business and Avoid Fiat Ramps Education

[BLOG] How to Accept Payments in Nano as a Business and Avoid Fiat Ramps

Accepting payments in nano as a business can be as simple as setting up a self-custody wallet and properly communicating it. However, doubts can arise about how to liquidate or make this XNO circulate.

Community contributor Vini Barbosa addresses this topic in this article: "How to Accept Payments in Nano as a Business and Avoid Fiat Ramps."

I have been accepting payments in nano (ticker: XNO, symbol: Ӿ) since 2020, and while onboarding others to do the same, one of the most recurring concerns he identified is "How to properly off-ramp to fiat currencies to save, spend, or pay for business costs?" This is a fair concern, which I want to address in this article.

TL;DR: You won't need to off-ramp most of the time. Or, at least, that's the general idea: Avoiding on-ramps and off-ramps as much as possible.

Thu Jun 06 2024

Jun 03 2024

[BLOG] Methodology for Developing an IoT-based Parking Space Counter System using Nano (XNO) Education

[BLOG] Methodology for Developing an IoT-based Parking Space Counter System using Nano (XNO)

An academic research team from India published a paper sharing a Methodology for Developing an IoT Parking Space Counter System using Nano (XNO). Here they give us an overview of this methodology with full paper linked at the end, with thanks to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Osmania University.

Mon Jun 03 2024

Mar 25 2024

[BLOG] Nano Unique ORV Consensus and Decentralization Game Theory Education

[BLOG] Nano Unique ORV Consensus and Decentralization Game Theory

Nano has a fairly unique decentralization and consensus mechanism with the Open Representative Voting (ORV). Each owner, according to their liquid share of XNO's total supply, can actively determine whether the network has a more or less decentralized consensus.

This creates very interesting dynamics with an innovative game theory and decentralization incentives, which Vini Barbosa addresses in this article.

Mon Mar 25 2024

Feb 02 2024

Nano: Cutting Our Cost of Living through Currency Design Education

Nano: Cutting Our Cost of Living through Currency Design

Read this fantastic article by community contributor 'monram,' exploring the benefits of nano cutting our cost of living.

"If each of us stopped for a few minutes to reflect about our relationship with money in our daily lives, thinking of money itself as a means to cutting our cost of living would hardly cross anyone’s mind. Partly because we’ve been taught to think of shenanigans like inflation as pretty much a given, and partly because we live in a world riddled with rent-seeking middlemen whom, whenever there’s a payment to be made, will come out of the woodwork to try to get their cut.

But what if money could actually be engineered in such a way that it would cut our living costs by letting us bypass debasement, fees, and even borders? What if I told you this form of money already exists and has been in circulation for a few years?"

Fri Feb 02 2024