The Nanodrop 2.0 faucet is now live
Get started with Nano in the blink of an eye with this faucet.
With over 200,000 transactions, has proven to be an extremely successful experiment, providing a gateway for thousands of users around the world to have their first experience with nano.
More than 2 years have passed, and Nanodrop was chosen as the main faucet on the Nano Foundation website. Go to and click "Receive free nano."
As I learned more and more about web development, I realized the need to recreate Nanodrop with a modern stack and a cleaner interface.
Nanodrop 2.0 brings not only that but also improved performance and a better user experience.
The entire frontend has been migrated to React, with Next.js and Tailwind, offering a more beautiful, maintainable, and faster interface.
The entire API has been migrated to Cloudflare Workers. Using caching and parallelism techniques summed up to precomputing PoW, we can send transactions in 100 ms, demonstrating the power of Nano.
Security against spammers has been enhanced, and it's no longer mandatory to solve captchas and all that hassle. Just enter your nano address, click the checkbox, and voilà! A new instant Nano transaction will be sent to your wallet paying zero fee!
But we are not done yet! It’s now possible to see new drops in real-time, as well as obtain geographical usage metrics.
In the midst of development, some other projects were created to empower Nanodrop, such as nano-wallet-js and workestrator, which will certainly make life easier for other developers looking to implement nano. I'll talk more about these soon.
I am extremely pleased with the results. I believe the new codebase will enable the addition of new features that I have always desired and make it easier for community developers to contribute - After all, Nanodrop is open source.
I appreciate everyone who has contributed and also the Nano Foundation for trusting in my work and adding Nanodrop to their official website.
For those who can contribute to the project by helping with costs or supporting my work, here is my Nano wallet address.
Nano Foundation does not endorse or approve products and/or services used or developed by third parties. Any links to third party software or sites are for informational purposes only. Nano Foundation bears no responsibility for the operability, accuracy, legality or content of third party products and/or services. Any questions regarding third party material should be directed to that party.