Nano 旨在高效运行,无需采矿,这是一种处理交易的能源密集型机制。相反,nano 使用不需要挖矿的创新投票系统。
nano 网络的基础设施占用空间很小。目前只需要几百台机器来为网络供电。
单笔纳米交易的能源使用量经计算低至 0.111Wh。
代表们被激励保持网络安全,因为他们将从 nano 降低交易费用中受益。
We’re only two months in, and it’s safe to say 2021 has seen the global economy flipped on its head. Reddit traders are duelling with institutional investors, Jeff Bezos has stepped down as CEO of Amazon, Tesla has revealed plans to accept Bitcoin, and once again “cryptocurrency” continues to reign as the buzzword of the year.
My aim in writing this article is to convince you that even if you do not care about cryptocurrency, you should care about Nano. Because while you might not be part of the crypto world, crypto is part of our collective world, and the environmental impact Bitcoin has is not something to be ignored.
NANO (NANO), unlike many cryptocurrencies, doesn’t rely on an energy-intensive mining, minting, or printing process. The coins, previously called RaiBlocks, were initially distributed via an online faucet, wherein everyday people could solve CAPTCHA ("I am not a robot") puzzles in exchange for coins.